Openoffice excel random selector from set list equation
Openoffice excel random selector from set list equation

openoffice excel random selector from set list equation openoffice excel random selector from set list equation openoffice excel random selector from set list equation

anycodings_random Business and Law had a 1 in 10 chance of anycodings_random being selected and Science, Art, anycodings_random History, and Math had a 2 in 10 chance anycodings_random of being selected. That output a random selection of the anycodings_random six courses, but I found the six choices anycodings_random did not have equal chances of selection. This was tested, =CHOOSE(ROUND(5*RAND()+1) "Business" "Science" "Art" "History" "Math" "Law") Since the CHOOSE function needed anycodings_random integers 1 to 6 to make the 6 choices, anycodings_random RAND would need to output numbers from 1 anycodings_random to 6, I let a=1 and b=6. Returns a random real number between a and b. The OpenOffice wiki for the RAND anycodings_random function says. I wanted to anycodings_random play around with an example with more anycodings_random than two choices and tried an exercise anycodings_random with six choices. I'm not a user with a deep understanding anycodings_random of spreadsheets, but I thought this was anycodings_random an interesting question.

Openoffice excel random selector from set list equation